- Little Miss Strong's Little Tip #1: If you can't identify the ingredients in your food, don't eat it. If it comes from an animal or the ground...eat it. It's good for you.
Here's the thing. I'm a teenager...many of you are teenagers or in your twenties. In reality, teenagers go to extremes. We either eat badly and end up stopping at McDonalds with a car packed full of friends at 3 am. after being out all night, or we go down the path of only wanting to eat salad for dinner. Cutting out all the carbs only lasts so long...we can go for a good couple of weeks and then end up binging and cleaning our house out of all carbs and desserts one night. So where's the balance? What's the magic diet?! Here's my advice...from experience, and success. There isn't one. Eating right is very, very simple. The deal is, if it has a label full of ingredients you can't identify...don't eat it. If it has an unnatural color...don't eat it. If it won't decompose into the ground for years...please, don't put it in your body. If it comes from an animal or the ground...eat it, it's good for you. You can be a vegetarian or an omnivore. And, this world is about balance. Too much of anything is never a good thing. The key to eating right and maintaining or improving overall health, muscle, weight and fitness level is to be able to have a balance. Basically, what to take away with you, is that the magic diet is...balance.
Now depending on your sport or your activity level, your body may require more of one food group or portion size. My diet for example is somewhat higher in protein, and I eat 6 meals a day, which keeps my metabolism up instead of eating 3 large meals. I make it pretty simple, and always make sure to eat a lean protein (chicken, fish, eggs) with some leafy greens, veggies, and a small portion of carbohydrates like sweet potatoes or rice at every meal. Again, the starchy pastries and breads...the thick creamy salad dressings and the packaged foods containing ingredients like "Yellow #5" and "Monosodium Glutamate".......don't try and figure out what that is. I don't know either, so be aware of what's going into your body. Now honest confession...sometimes I get really hungry, and have a bunch of cookies, or start eating that pint of ice cream...but ssshhh. A little cheating here and there is good...it keeps you sane! I'm giving you permission to enjoy a slice of chocolate cake. Make most of what you eat come from whole foods, and keep it simple. Some junk food and treats here and there won't kill you, and to some degree you can neutralize the effects by exercising. If you want to be strict with your diet sometimes to see how it feels, go for it! But, if you can't sustain it, don't be upset with yourself. We need to eat enough food! Eating whole foods packed with good nutrients will keep our tummies full, hearts happy, and minds and bodies fueled, and ready to train. :)
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