Saturday, January 19, 2013 the New Skinny

Hello there all you fitness enthusiasts, athletes, health lovers, and goal setters! This blog is designed for a wide variety of people, from those who wish to welcome this new year with fresh healthy habits and fitness routines, to those die-hard athletes who live and breathe what they do, everyday.

This is the year for girls, and women across the country to realize that strong is the new skinny. Being strong is being beautiful. We hear that line all the time...but do we live it? Our world prides itself on being tiny...eating carrots and drinking water is steadily encouraged. Those Victoria Secret fashion shows sure keep us praying for an overnight size 2 and a miracle! What many don't realize, is that women have the power, and the right to be strong. We can bench press more than we weigh. We can do our workouts so hard, that we hit a time faster than we can look in the mirror and criticize ourselves. Being fit and strong is now valued more than ever.

This blog will discuss nutrition tips, include clean eating recipe ideas, photos, interviews, fitness advice, progress, and be centered around incredible motivation that is easily relatable. Instead of glamorizing the fitness world, let's be completely honest and discuss how it truly is. I am not a well know celebrity trainer or author. I am a focused track and CrossFit athlete who has been through a huge fitness process over the years, and can relate to the thousands of people who are enduring the rough, painful, and rewarding training experience. This is a place to relate, motivate, inspire, and find both physical and internal strength and progress. Remember, girls are strong...and strong, is the new skinny. So let's just do it. I encourage every one of you to take some time today, set your goals for strength, and get ready to begin for the year. Keep calm, and lift on. Cheers!

                                                     - Lil Miss Strong  

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