Tuesday, May 7, 2013

ABS that ABSolutely KILL

Summer is almost here! So as the summer heat approaches...what about yours? Basically 2 things are happening to the girls reading this right now. The first thing is, that you're all super excited about tanning, going to the pool, getting to wear crop tops, and staying out late with friends. The second thing, is that you're panicking about wearing those crop tops and going to the pool, because you want to have the best body that you possibly can. Raise your hand if you've been eating salad and going crazy in the gym for weeks now, trying to get in shape? My point has been made. My first advice is to go read my other advice regarding eating JUST salad and working out too hard...that my ladies, is a no go. But, my second piece of advice is to read below for my favorite killer ab moves, workouts and routines. You probably haven't heard of a lot of them, they have weird names, sound scary, possibly intimidating, and challenging. So perfect. I bust mine, so you should bust yours.

My first big pointer for killer abs...ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN. Kind of like when you make your own cinnamon roles or brownies...they are made with love, care, good ingredients, and basically food. You need a strong, well developed core, but a big part of being "ripped" and having a sexy stomach is having little fat in that area so that what's hiding underneath can show through! Burning fat for your stomach does not work...you can't spot reduce and get rid of fat in one area. You need to target your ENTIRE body, and do things like cardio and intervals. You need to eat clean, and be mindful of the food going into that body.

AND A SIDE NOTE: For all you ladies out there who worry about getting a six pack, or well defined abs because you think guys don't find it attractive, I would say.......do it anyway!! Girls are always worried that if they work hard and branch outside of the regular ab routine, they will get disgustingly bulky and ripped. Getting a muscular stomach takes a lotttt of hard work. So if you're busting your buns off everyday towards success, you better darn well enjoy it.


The Moves:
- Butterfly Crunches
- Power Wheel
- Dragon Flags (yes like Bruce Lee)
- Russian Twists with weight
- Reverse Crunch
- Dead Bugs
- Frog Crunches
- Cable Crunches
- Leg and hip raises on a bench
- Hand step-ups
- Raised planks (balance on a ball)

My Example Workout:

  • - Upper Abs: 
    • 2 sets of 25 Cable crunches (moderate challenging weight)
  • - Lower Abs:
    • 2x25 Bench leg and hip raises
    • 3x15 Reverse crunch
  • - Obliques:
    • 2x25 Cable crunch (moderate challenging weight)
  1. 3 sets of 1 minute raised planks, balancing elbows on a ball
  2. 3 sets of 10 Butterfly Crunches 
  3. 2 sets of 10 Dead Bugs
  4. 2 sets of 25 Russian twists with weight
  5. Hand step ups...2 sets to failure 

My Tips:
- You don't need to do abs EVERY SINGLE day. Sometimes I do them 2 days a week. Sometimes 3 days a week. Sometimes 5. It varies depending on how I feel. Switch it up, don't do the same routine all the time. And don't overtrain. If something is too much, work up to it.
- There are 3 parts of your abs. Upper abs. Lower abs. Obliques (side abs).

So in summary...don't eat just salad, don't go ham in the gym just because summer is approaching, but more importantly, do go for those killer abs. Because if it's hot for a guy to have a washboard stomach, it's hot for you to have one too. Do your cardio, do weird yet effective ab moves that aren't considered the mainstream "crunch" or simple "plank" (but do them correctly) and DO CHALLENGE YOURSELF. Summer doesn't just mean LOOKING HOT. It means  FEELING HOT, WORKING UP A SWEAT...and being the woman that you want to be. 

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